Glastonbury tor spring
Glastonbury tor spring

glastonbury tor spring

Named for the calcite stains that the water leaves behind, the White Spring is housed within a huge stone pump house from the Victorian period. But just opposite this famous site, down a little lane at the foot of Glastonbury Tor, lies its counterpart: the White Spring. Glastonbury Tor is also very popular during the Summer Solstice when visitors come to watch the sun rise on June 21st.The beautifully sculpted gardens of the Chalice Well surround Glastonbury’s most famous natural water source, the Red Spring, so called for the iron oxide it deposits in its basin. And even if you’re not into legends, myths or the mystical world, the panoramic view from the top of the Tor makes it worthwhile climbing up there to watch the sunset. These days, Glastonbury Tor is still seen as a spiritual place and believers come here to worship. This time he was better prepared, and perhaps with the inside knowledge that his wife had of the Tor, he won.Īnd so the legends and myths go on and on.

glastonbury tor spring

When Guinevere was returned to Arthur, he saw the importance of the Tor and returned to conquer it. Because of the marshes and swamps surrounding the Tor, it was difficult for Arthur to attack and he had to ask for assistance from St. An English legend here tells of how a local chieftain with a stronghold on the Tor, kidnapped Guinevere and held her prison there. Together with Tintagel and Cadbury Castle, Glastonbury Tor was believed to be an important stronghold. Some believe that climbing the Tor uplifts the the spirit and people can be seen trundling up, and with happy faces when they come down.

glastonbury tor spring

For those interested in exploring the fairy world, the Tor holds a wealth of myths and fascinating stories. The fairies were believed to be the first group that moved into the Glastonbury Tor and this was where Gwyn ap Nudd, the King of the Fairies, established his court. It is believed that if you drink from it, you’ll have eternal youth. At the spot where he buried the Grail, a spring known as the Chalice Well began to flow. By morning, the stick had taken root and became the sacred Glastonbury Thorn. On arriving, Joseph thrust his staff into the ground. According to one legend, after the crucifixion of Christ, Joseph of Arimathea brought the Holy Grail to Glastonbury.

Glastonbury tor spring