Is blizzard ban cheaters in diablo 3 bots
Is blizzard ban cheaters in diablo 3 bots

is blizzard ban cheaters in diablo 3 bots

(These numbers are really average, with a team that knows what to do you run way higher in the same time or way faster.) Paragon 1-3000 Gr120 avr time 3min players 4 no pools town time 30secs, hours per day: 3 Point is, if you invest a bit time and play efficient, these paragons are archievable.Īgain this is just an example to refute your thesis that quote "90% of players over 3000 paragons are cheaters.".Įdit: just put some numbers in d3 calculator as an example: If thats too much, You can also half the number, then you hit 3k after 6 weeks with 2,5 hr a day, which is barely the midseason. But ok its hard to define what is casual and what not. The 4-5 hrs playtime is relativly low compared to someone who grinds for 10+ hrs a day like some streamers do or WE. During the week I play less, on weekend i play more, average time doesnt mean i play same amount every day, its an amount over the course of time. I for instance play at friday night 5 hrs and 5 hrs the next day, where I hit the 1k comfortably. I assume you play a little bit more on the first day of season, because its weekend and the excitement/ motivation to grind a bit more is undestandably greater.

is blizzard ban cheaters in diablo 3 bots

Watching his stream for 10 seconds will also allow anyone to see the instant GR starts by just clicking the obelisk: This person claims to be legit and if you ask him why he's botting/cheating he will call you retarded on his stream.Ĭan Blizzard start doing something about these blatant cheaters soon? It's getting extremely infuriating seeing them pretend they aren't cheating.įor reference, here's the clip of the game remake with hands off the keyboard. He also has an automation software that opens GR 150's for him whenever he clicks the obelisk, and which remakes games when he uses his town portal (yes, I have a clip of him having his hands off the keyboard as he leaves and remakes the game). The current rank 2 DH (EU) went from an average of 1180 paragon / season (most being sub 800, with a 21 season bringing up the average) to being 10,334 paragon with 97% uptime during S24. Edit: Seems he has deleted the clip now as it clearly displayed him cheating, and that makes lying about it hard.

Is blizzard ban cheaters in diablo 3 bots